Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Viewer discretion IS advised.

Hmmm. So much has been taking place that I don’t know where to start. How about this. I forewarn you that what I am about to make accessible to you can and probably will appear gross in your judgment. It does to me anyway, which makes it all the worse because it HAPPENED to me….anyway, click here if you have any desire whatsoever to witness the moment Luka was born. He was born via c-section, which at first in the video has a very discreet angle, but just know that the moment he pops out, it gets…erm…messy. I will not be offended if you opt not to see it. It took me a while to be willing to see it myself, but for those of you with hard stomachs, medical fascinations, or just plain old curiosity, feel free.

Moma left already…sigh and a sniff. She and Mimi are both very much missed. For now Luka has one more grandma left, and that is abuelita Tessa. She is an awesome nurse and has shared valuable nurse-like tips with us on various things, such as bathing Luka by holding him face down above the water, as opposed to laying him back face up. This has CONSIDERABLY altered bath time, which is a good thing because I am convinced that the neighbors think we torture the boy based on the levels of his bath time screams. By the way, I love love love how sweet he smells after a bath…can’t get enough whiffs of the boy!

So, back to Moma. My mom was such a huge help to us the week she was here, as was Mrs. Ann, Jason’s mom. My imagination cannot produce a clear picture of what this past month would have been like without their incredible and edible (because they cooked a lot for us while they were here...YUM!) help. Thank you moms! We love, appreciate and miss you!

Luka has been a busy little tyke, traveling all over the place, following Mami and Papi to the project site, and simply being adorable. And yes, is is ALREADYYYY one month old as of yesterday. Boy do I know the meaning of time flying! And now for more of the good stuff:

Out and about with Moma

Some Momma Luvin

Sweet and serious

Is there any doubt I love this boy? I'm in love, I'll admit it!

The moment Luka met Abue Tessa

Bye Moma. Sniff sniff...Hola Abue!

Bye Moma! We were smiling on the outside but sad in the inside.

The Doctor that delivered Luka. Apparently Luka was holding on for dear comfort, because the Doc said he was very hard to pull out...well, just see the video and you'll understand...



Anonymous said...

I - GUA - LI - TO al tatajm! hahaha! Increible! Que guapo que esta el Luka! Hola a las 3 hermosas madres! Y saludos a Don Jason...claro, besote y abrazito de osito a Luka :)

Papo said...



Anonymous said...

Sarah you look so beautiful with Luka...i miss you and Jason and I can't wait to meet Luka.