Thursday, April 23, 2009

He will be with her wherever she goes...

Luka has been a busy little boy. He is barely one month and one week old and ha has already been on two long trips, visited countless people, and followed us to our various ministry sites. Not to mention eating every time the notion enters his tiny cute head (which could be every hour these days).
We are officially grandma-less in our house. Boo. Abue Tessa left us on Saturday and now we are facing the real test...Can we do it on our own? It seems so, as we have not only survived but every day, with the exception of moments here and there, parenting gets easier and Luka becomes more enamored with life in general, especially bath time. Thanks to Abue Tessa's tips, Luka LOVES bath time now. He probably wishes he'd never screamed through it before. Well, I do at least.
We have discovered THE trick. Keep the baby awake as much as possible between 5:oo and 9:00 p.m. and he will sleep muuuch longer. Muuuuch, much longer. Whiew! One night he actually slept six hours in a row. Ahh, the power of six. Of course I woke up all startled thinking that something was terribly wrong with Luka, when all the while everything was wonderfully right. L'sleep. This is good.
In other news, the rains have returned as of yesterday. For now we are loving the cooler weather, as are the crispy plants all around. Ask me again in about three months and my admiration of wetness may be somewhat altered. Ok, by then I will be sick of it, ok? But for now I will enjoy it while it's still new, beacase later I will be LONGING for some sun to touch my face and some dry ground for my feet. To all you ladies out there, is it not a fact that most women detest getting grimy, muddy or dirty feet? It is my lot in life.
And in heart news, I couldn't be more full of gratitude to God for his outpouring of blessing in my life. I feel surrounded with His love, grace, salvation, and provision. All praise and honor and glory be to Him who is perfect in all ways!

He my look like his dad, but he acts like his mom...oh wait...oh no!

Mr. Ojos

Ha ha!

Nos hace falta!

Thanks for talking some bathing sense into my parents!

Whether at home or on the project site, there WILL be feedings.

He LOVES his Papi!


Papo said...

How fun it is to follow the birth and growth of your grands! The only regret is that I wish they were closer to home. But then, I can't complain too much...I did the same to my parents and inlaws. 8>) That's why Heaven will be so wonderful!
