Sunday, August 23, 2009

When the husband's away the wife tends to....

...clean. And paint. For those of you who have witnessed the atrocity that is our "office" (interpret: catch-all, training center tool room, jewelry-making studio, electronic doodad collection, stroller parking spot, to-do project pile, computer area, and worst of all, insect apartment building. Oh yeah, and dust lab) then you know how awful it is. Jason had to go to the Big City again on Friday and I got the bright idea of cleaning the "office" out while Luka was taking a morning nap. He has been napping lately for about an hour and a half in the mornings (woo hoo!) and so I thought, "Cool. No big deal. I'll just haul everything out onto the porch, clean, and then put it all back up. Neatly." So I hauled, began cleaning, and wouldn't you know it, 20 minutes into his nap the Cheetah Baby woke up. Wide awake. I had a mess everywhere and a baby wanting to play. Ugh! So I called a friend who came over to watch Luka while I finished cleaning. Only that when the room was spotless a dangerous idea crept int my head. "Wouldn't it be nice to paint this room? What a nice surprise that would be for Jason." Now, if you had seen this room before you would know that the original color was turquoise. Watered down turquoise. Yeah. So off I go to the paint store, only to find out the of the three paint stores we had in our little town, none remained. Aaaagh! So I went to the Big Bad hardware store and found some suitable paint. On returning to the abode, I discovered that our landlord's son-in-law had decided it was as good a day to cut the grass as any (and here they cut grass with weed eaters) and everything I had put on the porch was covered with grass and dirt. So nice, let me tell you. To make this long story get shorter, I painted, I cleaned the "stuff" (interpret: got rid of a lot of it and found a good place for the rest of it) put it all back and viola! A clean office that you can actually WALK around in. And breath in without choking, wheezing and coughing. Welcome home Husband!


Dad said...

Can I hire you to clean out our office when you come up for Thanksgiving? I will gladly take care of Luka while you do it, and I promise not to cut the grass. (November?) I will personally give you one of the drumsticks as a reward, and if you do a super job (which you always do) I will buy an extra can of whipped cream for the pumpkin pie just for you.

Enjoy your nice, clean, painted office!!

Love, Dad

grace said...

Wow Sarah!
Que hacendosa diria mi mami hahaha! Yo lo miro bonito :)

Love you!

Momma said...

And I'll throw in a pecan pie and cranberry sauce and sparkling cider--if you'll save all my books and file all my papers:-} !!