Ok, I know. I know! I have kept you in suspense but honestly I have just been getting reacquainted with breathing easy again. Although we've been busy the past week, it is a busy of a different kind. More like busy having fun. Busy holding sweet babies. Busy watching as some of my family soak in my son's smile for the first time. Busy gazing in wonder as I listlessly stroll by shops (wheeee!). Busy changing more diapers. Busy eating raspberries of which I have been dreaming of for two years. Bluberries are next. I need some bluberries. Then blackberries. Those are next after the blueberries. Yum. Busy hugging those I have ached to hug, along with their troubles for one hard trying year. Busy hurting for my loved ones who are hurting around me, but praying for their swift recovery and joy. Busy enjoying the love God has surrounded me with. Here is some proof...

Que lindo Sarah se ve que lo has pasado muy bien.
este luka esta guapisimo y me imagino que si lo viera lo haria reir muho, como lo hacias tu con las mias.
voy a decirlr al Davisssssss, que tratemos de llamar maniana.
Un besote grande a todos por alla
ahhhh los extrañamos montones, que bueno que esten muy bien, siempre oramos por ustedes, les queremos...
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