Friday, December 25, 2009

Tis the reason?

If you would have asked me a week or so ago what I thought about Christmas I probably would have said, "Bah Humbug! I'm beginning to agree with Scrooge and maybe the Grinch isn't so bad after all." We drove by twinkling houses. Nope. No. Nothing. No warm fuzzies. I watched indifferently at the hustle and bustle of shoppers and children staring wide eyed at the toys of their mere dreams. Thoughts of delicious smells and sights from the kitchen escaped me. And manger scenes? Even those seemed empty, void of true meaning. The endearing Christmas carols that I used to belt out with a huge smile at the top of my lungs barely managed an occasional mumble. Mumble, mumble, mumble...grumble, grumble. What's the big deal anyway? Why do we go to all of the trouble of preparing preparing preparing, presents, decorations, feasts, programs, cards, visits, outfits...? What's the point?

People talk a lot this time of year about "The Reason for the Season" and how it's not about the presents and the lights and the food and the decor. They say it's about the birth of a baby over 2000 years ago who came to change the world forever...and He did. But see, although I think it is important to set aside certain times to think about and celebrate the wonders that God has done, I believe that these truths have importance in our lives every day. Not just during Christmas.

So back the the festivities. Why am I so disenchanted with the season that used to bring sparkles to my eyes and that filled me with excitement and wonder? Is it because several of the people I love and hold dearly in my heart are hurting? Is it because I am more aware of the trials that many face in this world and maybe my heart is more than a littl broken?

Then it really the lights, the shopping, the food, the decor that cause the warm fuzzies? Or is it maybe that in the face of trials, pain and heartache we all try to spread joy, hope and peace around to those we love? Love? Methinks that is the "Reason for the Season." It was love that caused the King of Kings and Ruler of all to humble Himself into becoming what He himself had created in order to save and bless that which He created. And so He came. It is love that causes us to put up lights to brighten each others eyes, to prepare feasts for the enjoyment of others, to think of specials gifts with which we can bless our loved ones with,to give a little more, think a little more of others, smile a little more, even at strangers, donate a little more to those in need. To be filled with hope. Joy. Peace. It is love. And that love comes from the tiny Savior with a mighty heart that came so long ago. He taught us to love. Challenged us to love. Showed us how to love.

So bah humbug? Nah.

Merry Christmas. I love you.