Thursday, January 07, 2010

Big Surprise!

So I thought I was being big and sneaky by surprising Jason with a new wedding ring for Christmas. Boy was there a surprise coming my way! For a long time now I have longed for a very good camera. We have a really good camera that is also waterproof, which has been a lot of fun, but it fails at taking good pictures of moving things...especially little Wee Ones who move quickly these days. I've wanted something heavy. Something good. Something with a lens on it. Something that clicks when you take a picture. Ahh. Wouldn't that be nice? My intentions have been to put away the pennies every year until we could buy one, but the having a baby part of life has a way of creating new priorities. After all was said and done with my jewelry show, however, I was going to have enough to buy Jason's ring and set aside a bit to start my camera fund. But then, the probability of a possible family wedding coming up this year quickly created a saveuptobeabletogotothewedding fund. So I scratched my camera dreams for another few years. Sigh.

And THEN Jason hands me the last present under the tree. Somehow he scrounged around and came up with enough to bless me with my dream. A new shiny camera! That is heavy! And good! And has a lens! And clicks when I take a picture! Wheeee! I haven't had time yet to fiddle around with it to learn how to really make the most of its lovely features, but it sure makes my feeble attempts at a good picture look better. Here are some more of our latest activities...just wait until you see the snow session! Oooo the things I have in store for you....

The moment of surprise

Aw. Que Bello! Thank you mi amor!

We decided the first picture we would take with the camera would be of Luka

The joy of my heart

And the next day I found a tiny piece of this flake in his mouth. Yeah.

Anna Kate was given pretend nail polish. So she proceeded to paint her fingernails...

...then her toenails...

...then Sissy's...

...then Luka's...

...and finally the reindeer's.