Sunday, June 06, 2010

I'm ba-aaack

Well how do you do? I'm fine thank you. Back home very tired but with a heart full of fresh new and endearing memories and some good laughs. This year's group of GOP girls are amazing! All of them have been amazing, (and no, that is not a disclaimer, it's true) but spending more time with these girls than with the past groups, I have had a blast. Coming home was bittersweet for me. I am ready for a little break from the Big Kitchen and for some time with my amazing husband, but am sad to end my daily time with the girls. They are having such a blast, and it is fun to watch and be a part of. By far my favorite parts of the week were the moments spent with Ellen. She cracks me up with about every other sentence that spills out of her mouth, and Luka enjoyed her funny antics as well. Our first morning there when Luka woke up and saw that he was playing with Ellen's hair and not mine, he promptly expressed his shock with an ear-splitting wail. Haha. Well, good morning to you too, bud. Well. I am back, and still busy as could be with the week's menus and grocery shopping and such, but hommmme. Sigh.

This path gives you a good workout going up. If my legs aren't stronger for it, I am disappointed. I did huff and puff a little less each time I went up.

Don Lalo's plantation. The small plants in a row are beans, the low trees to the left are coffee, and the patch on the upper right is some sort of squash, with plantains scattered around.

Sweet baby monkey

Emily stacked the tupperware like this herself. Too funny

A "bit" misty

That cat. I once liked him but now I don't. He scratches at my clothes when I cook, romps all over the kitchen shelves, and sleeps on our freshly laundered dish towels. No. No. Sir Cat. Ugh. Shoo.

Emmy and Fanny at breakfast

Helping out with the chores

The girls

Partners in crime. >= )

Sweet Ellen and Christine

A God worthy of praise

If you needed a smile, here is your reason

Little Miss Priss Emily, wearing her momma's new high heels.


Kir said...

I can't believe how much the site has changed since we were there! It looks stunning, and so full of life.

Chela said...

It is completely different and almost completely established. There is still a lot to be done, but it is now beyond functional and is beautiful. You are right...full of life! It's exciting to see. Wish you would come to enjoy some of are always welcome to come. It would be fun to meet your husband too, the famous Mr. Paschal. Come down, please please please!

Cuentista said...

I was thinking the same thing. Gone is the knee-high red clay/mud (summer '08). Hello green, lush grass (summer '10)! It looks like paradise! So wonderful to see the small things we helped build/create(walls/paint/gravel) are still there, but all the new additions are wonderful! Yay, GOP girls! Hope it's a phenomenal summer!

Anonymous said...

ei sarah!!!
feliz aniversario!!! :D:D:D:D

Chela said...

I have been amazed at how little mud is hanging around there. It is definitely a grassy wonder! Praise God for grass!

Gracias Graaaace! Te queremos bastante!