Thursday, August 26, 2010

Never mind, today was even WORSE...

Weeeell. Jason is home. And he is sick. Very very sick. He ate something that was bad, apparently, at the airport during his trip home and the poor guy can't even keep water down. So rather than have the restful day that I so much needed to get better myself, this morning we went to a clinic as early as it would open and had Jason hooked up to an Iv. I had to leave him there, rush to the store to get him some makings for soup, then rush to the house to get Luka's things and more soup makings, then rush to the cafe to put Luka down for a nap, then open the cafe, then make the soup, so that Jason could take it home (a taxi friend of ours brought him home). Luka took a great nap. At noon we went home and I attempted to make lunch while Luka clung to my skirt and screamed at me for 40 minutes. Needless to say, I wasn't very successful in making lunch, not at all successful in getting him to eat it, and more than ready to drop him off at the sitters. He has gotten into his head that if I am not holding him 100% of the time, the end of the world has truly come. Aaaaaaaagh! I would not be surprised at all if when I wake up tomorrow morning my hair is white, my eyes are dazed and I'm drooling. Somebody halp meh!

* No, but seriously, please pray for us. Luka and I have a long trip to take on Sunday and I will need every ounce of strength to make it through the day...but more on that later...


Dad said...

...Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of sickness, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me. Thy prayers and my sanity they comfort me. I prepare a table for Jason in the presence of my crying son: he anoints my floor with oil, eggs and tears; my husbands gut runneth over. Surely goodness, mercy and daily challenges shall face me all the days of my life: and I will finally, finally dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
(KJV and revised DPTV)

Love, prayers and a chuckle,


P.S. Sunday will only come too soon! Jason, you are definitely in our prayers, Son!! Take two tablespoons of cider vinegar (if you can find it, not distilled) in 8 ozs. of water, if you can keep it down. Cures a sour stomach every time.

Chela said...

Haha! Thanks Dad, for making me smile. Jason is better today and I am taking it easy....