Friday, August 06, 2010

Rise and Shine

If you care to know what a typical morning looks like for us, here is a little peek. The only untypical aspect of this particular morning was that Jason was asleep for all of the events that take place in the pictures. On a true typical morning, one where Luka wakes up earlier than he should for decency's sake, Jason gets up to get him and plays with him until I get up. We have learned that this arrangement makes for a much, much happier version of me for the remainder of the day. The other unspoken arrangement we have is that if Luka wakes up during the night or even wee hours of the morning, I am the one to get up and coax him back into dreamy land. This arrangement makes for a much much happier version of Jason for the next day. We like it that way. It works for us.

Bananas to tide him over while I make his breakfast. He loves bananas! Can't you tell?

I love it when he stuffs his cheeks

It's all gone ma! I need more.

Wait, what's this?

Cherios??? What happened to the bananas?!?! (I had no bananas left)

I will put this Cherio in my mouth, but have you know that I am none too happy about it (he ate them all)

Mean while, I cook his breakfast. Whole organic oats, chopped apple, water, raw sugar, cinnamon, some bubbling action and viola. Delicious wholesome breakfast.

He drinks some juice.

Then he plays with his juice

Finally, breakfast. Who needs a spoon when fingers work so well?
We sing a prayer of thanks to God for blessing our lives with food. "Por este pan, por este don...."

Thanks mama. I like it.

On to our breakfast. Jason doesn't like a browned omelet, so I cook it on the lowest heat possible. I like putting green onions, finely chopped bell pepper, some turkey and a sprinkle of cheese in it right before I do the flip.

Ah yes. Just right.
Good morning!
(or Mahnen!)


Mama T. said...

Your posts of the day-to-day happenings are what keep me so connected to you, Jason, and especially Not-So-Wee-One. Thanks, Sarah. He's beautiful and growing so big. "Grandson, what big FEET you have!"

Chela said...

Thanks Momma. It's the reason I write. Plus, it's nice to think I'll have all of these memories recorded for the days my memory fails me. = )