Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Imagine after cooking breakfast, cleaning up after breakfast, picking up the house, cleaning around the house and thinking you might get a few minutes of sit-back-and-breath time, running into the above scene. Luka was on Jason's watch. I love you Jason comment. One of the drawbacks of the cooler rain weather we have been enjoying is the puddle festival that surrounds us. Luka is not complaining though, and I don't want to think of myself as a complainer but in this case I will COMPLAAAAAIN. Ugh. I really truly am sick of having to scrub his (and ours) shoes several times a day, changing his clothes, bathing him and then trying to scrub the mud out of his clothes. It is never ending. Never endinnnng.
Buuuut. I'll sort of admit that even though it is my daily headache, it's cute. And he sure has fun. Can't you tell?

A boy must be allowed to act like a boy, after all. Sigh.
I don't know how my mom did it with FOUR! At least they didn't live in the jungle.

Hey dude, you have some dirt on your face.

Hold me Mamma.
In your dreams, Wee One.


Anonymous said...

my favorite pic? his muddy diaper!!! HAHAHA! soooo cute, girl!!! -grace

Mama T. said...

Dad finally had to teach this no-male-siblings mother- of-yours that the measure of a great day for a boy is how dirty he comes home (and what's in his pocket).

Dad said...

Sarah, this is an easy one...just make Jason rinse out and clean all the dirty clothes, then have him bathe the little snort, dress him again, and see if the kid doesn't stay a lot cleaner. It's miraculous!

Love, Dad

P.S. Sorry, Jason! 8>}

Chela said...

Grace > Yo SE! Me mata de la risa. Que chuco!

Mom > I don't mind him getting dirty. I like for him to have fun....not just in this way three or four times a day! HAha

Dad > Jason and I share the clean up duties. He's really good about that. I think this particular day Jason rinsed him off...then I bathed him. = ]

Mama T. said...

Sarey, even though Dad taught me to MEASURE the amount of fun the guys had by their dirt, that doesn't mean I had so much patience with the cleaning up part! 8>] My hat's off to you and Jason for having such HUGE kindness and patience for your little one's antics, and for your sacrifice in cleaning up after him and keeping his clothes looking nice! And, what would be the fun in seeing photos of a sparklin' clean Prince Luka sitting on a couch all the time? Give me Luka the Lion-Hearted any day--just not in my arms until after the bath! :-)